  1. When innocent, you can only shoot someone on truly valid grounds - analyse and act on facts. RDM will result in a slay/kick. Excessive RDM will result into a ban.
  2. Respect staff members. Don't argue about your punishment (you can still inform head/high staff members about unfair punishment).
  3. Only detectives can give orders, disobeying orders allows the detectives to hurt you as a warning. You can't give orders as innocent (even if you're proven).
  4. Throwing incendiary grenades at random as innocent is not allowed. You can't throw them at AFK players either. (See rule #1 and #11).
  5. Don't let the time run out as a traitor, don't waste everyone's time.
  6. Your name should be pronounceable and typeable. If it's not - disconnect and change it. If you don't - you'll get kicked.
  7. No "Traitor Baiting". Don't act traitorous throughout a round on purpose as innocent. Also includes falsely accusing players of being a traitor.
  8. Ghosting and/or metagaming is not tolerated and will result in a long ban.
  9. Using scripts and/or bypasser will result in a permanent ban.
  10. Server's official language is English. So please, don't talk in any other language while alive. Typing while dead is allowed though.
  11. Don't kill AFK players (See rule #1). They'll be set to the spectators team.
  12. No flaming, extreme swearing and/or discrimination.
  13. Performing "spell innocent backwards" check is not allowed.
  14. Don't kill rule breakers. Don't take the matter into your own hands, only shoot in self defence.
  15. Don't overuse the voice chat, which includes: voice chat spamming, talking too much and singing. You will be warned and gagged..
  16. Be forgiving, people make mistakes. You can always mark them suspect when in doubt.
  17. Do not abuse the votekick system, not having a valid reason will result in punishment. If a staff member is online, contact them instead.
  18. Propkilling when alive is not allowed, unless you're a traitor (See rule #1). Killing as a prop after death is allowed though, but don't do it when it's less than 5 players alive.
  19. Pushing people off the ledges as innocent with a crowbar is not allowed, whatever is it your friend or not.
  20. Don't suicide next to a person to make it look like they've killed you.
  21. Don’t overuse report system. Report should contain at least a sentence with a meaning, only report when staff is online.
  22. Don’t throw discombobulators as innocent in the places where people can fall or in the specific maps (de_dolls, ttt_rooftops, etc.) as it counts as RDM (see rule #1).
  23. Don't use sprays that aren't suitable for most age groups.
  24. Tase players only with proper reason.
  25. Having an inappropriate text above your head (offensive language) is not allowed.
  26. Admins' words are final, we are above the rules as we actually wrote them.

    1101 EUR - SCP-687
    503 EUR - Poorly Drawn Dog
    200 EUR - PP|LIZ|Stealing
    195 EUR - Bang
    130 EUR - Senpai ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ
L5. Bluestar

Head Administrator
L4. Stavik
L4. Noomie

L3. The_Real_Deal
L3. Ekko
L3. Bang
L3. Poorly

L2. Guy on The Roof
L2. Nieksas
L2. Suparsau
L2. Babby Wolf
L2. Dr. Deltality
L2. Watsuda
L2. Nico

Trial Moderator

Classic and Trending Gaming Community 2014-2016
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