- When innocent, you can only shoot someone on truly valid grounds - analyse and act on facts. RDM will result in a slay/kick. Excessive RDM will result into a ban.
- Respect staff members. Don't argue about your punishment (you can still inform head/high staff members about unfair punishment).
- Only detectives can give orders, disobeying orders allows the detectives to hurt you as a warning. You can't give orders as innocent (even if you're proven).
- Throwing incendiary grenades at random as innocent is not allowed. You can't throw them at AFK players either. (See rule #1 and #11).
- Don't let the time run out as a traitor, don't waste everyone's time.
- Your name should be pronounceable and typeable. If it's not - disconnect and change it. If you don't - you'll get kicked.
- No "Traitor Baiting". Don't act traitorous throughout a round on purpose as innocent. Also includes falsely accusing players of being a traitor.
- Ghosting and/or metagaming is not tolerated and will result in a long ban.
- Using scripts and/or bypasser will result in a permanent ban.
- Server's official language is English. So please, don't talk in any other language while alive. Typing while dead is allowed though.
- Don't kill AFK players (See rule #1). They'll be set to the spectators team.
- No flaming, extreme swearing and/or discrimination.
- Performing "spell innocent backwards" check is not allowed.
- Don't kill rule breakers. Don't take the matter into your own hands, only shoot in self defence.
- Don't overuse the voice chat, which includes: voice chat spamming, talking too much and singing. You will be warned and gagged..
- Be forgiving, people make mistakes. You can always mark them suspect when in doubt.
- Do not abuse the votekick system, not having a valid reason will result in punishment. If a staff member is online, contact them instead.
- Propkilling when alive is not allowed, unless you're a traitor (See rule #1). Killing as a prop after death is allowed though, but don't do it when it's less than 5 players alive.
- Pushing people off the ledges as innocent with a crowbar is not allowed, whatever is it your friend or not.
- Don't suicide next to a person to make it look like they've killed you.
- Don’t overuse report system. Report should contain at least a sentence with a meaning, only report when staff is online.
- Don’t throw discombobulators as innocent in the places where people can fall or in the specific maps (de_dolls, ttt_rooftops, etc.) as it counts as RDM (see rule #1).
- Don't use sprays that aren't suitable for most age groups.
- Tase players only with proper reason.
- Having an inappropriate text above your head (offensive language) is not allowed.
- Admins' words are final, we are above the rules as we actually wrote them.
1101 EUR - SCP-687
503 EUR - Poorly Drawn Dog
200 EUR - PP|LIZ|Stealing
195 EUR - Bang
130 EUR - Senpai ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ
L5. Bluestar
Head Administrator
L4. Stavik
L4. Noomie
L3. The_Real_Deal
L3. Ekko
L3. Bang
L3. Poorly
L2. Guy on The Roof
L2. Nieksas
L2. Suparsau
L2. Babby Wolf
L2. Dr. Deltality
L2. Watsuda
L2. Nico
Trial Moderator